Thursday, June 16, 2011

A Look Back at JewelMint's Sweetheart Ring!

Photos: Jewelmint

JewelMint's Sweetheart Ring is obviously one of my favorite rings from JewelMint...ever! It's the logo I've been using for this blog since the beginning and you'll read me talk about it from time to time about how much this ring means to of all, it's back in stock today!

While it's just a symbolizes a lot more than that. As you'll see in my FAQ section of my blog (here) I've briefly mentioned why I love this ring so much...

"Some of my favorite recent memories have happened while wearing this ring. It's beautiful, and I'm the type of person who wears her heart on her sleeve, so I think it's only appropriate."

At the risk of sounding mushy, I also want to say that over the past couple months I've received the most amazing feedback from so many of you thanking me for this blog. I do this blog in my spare time as I'm a stay-at-home mom and it's something I love doing! Knowing that I'm helping out my fellow JewelMint lovers to help keep track of our obsession is the best feeling ever, and I couldn't keep up with all the codes, news, etc. without your help! I know I say "thank you" from time-to-time, but seriously...thank you so much for making this blog a part of your everyday JewelMint obsession! :D


I think it's only appropriate to take a look back down memory lane and re-share my very first JewelMint review with here to see my review of the lovely Sweetheart Ring! It's so funny looking back on this video and almost a little painful lol. I feel like I'm speaking very s-l-o-w-l-y! Guess it wasn't bad for a newbie You-tuber at the time, so feel free take a look! ;)

You can find more reviews under the "Lily's JewelMint Collection" tab (above) or by clicking here.

If you have any questions for me about my blog, please send me an email at, and it could be featured it in my FAQ section!

xoxo, Lily


  1. I hope they bring this ring back because I missed out on it!

  2. You're in luck!! It's back right now :)
