The first photo is one taken of Kate Bosworth recently by her boyfriend and producer of JewelMint's short films titled The Look and Love Letters, Michael Polish. (I'm almost 100% positive that he's the talent behind JewelMint's Morocco film as well.)
Photo: JustJared
That said, I think its super cute that both Kate and Michael get to combine their jobs together - doing they love most while jet-setting around the world to some of the most romantic locations. Seriously, this has to be one of the cutest collaborations ever. I think almost anyone in a relationship would love to be able to do the same!
Being that these two lovebirds travel together, Micheal has given everyone an inside look into their travels on his exclusive WhoSay Profile. You'll notice that the first photo above shows Kate posing with one of JewelMint's future clutches over drinks. This same clutch has also been featured on JewelMint's Facebook page recently as well!
I'm thrilled that JewelMint will be branching out with handbags, and I would love to see more styles and designs from Kate and Cher in this category! How about you?
Click here to find Michael Polish on WhoSay - you'll even see some newer photos of Kate that could very well be glimpses at future JewelMint films!
xoxo, Lily
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