Sunday, February 19, 2012

Sunday, February 19, 2012 - The Weekly JewelMint Exchange: Buy, Sell, Trade!

 Photo: Jewelmint

Ready, set, exchange! This is a weekly Sunday night post for those looking to buy, sell, or trade JewelMint! 

Is there a  piece you missed out on? A piece that just didn't work out for you that needs a new loving home? Or, a piece you're willing to trade for something else?

The Weekly JewelMint Exchange is a *weekly* post that will post every Sunday for you to post JewelMint items you are looking to buy, sell or trade across the board. Make sure to check back each week for new user listings! Or, take a look back through the weekly trade archives here to see recent listings you may have missed.

Additionally, you may also post your JewelMint items for sale (including photos) in the JewelMint Jabber Trade Forum!

Here's how this trade post works:
1. Begin your post with: Looking to sell, looking to trade, or looking to find.
2. List your items (including accurate descriptions, if necessary, such as "new", "used", or "altered").
3. Please don't forget to include an email address for contact.

Happy trading!

xoxo, Lily
Click here for the official rules for safe trading, etc.

Other current weekly exchange posts featuring:


  1. Hi everyone, I am looking to buy:

    Astoria necklace
    Original Cleopatra earrings
    Golden Goose bracelet
    Hayden necklace
    Setting Sun necklace

    I love these pieces and want them so badly. Please contact me at:

  2. Also, to add to my above post
    I am looking to buy:

    Pomander Pendant
    Payal Belle Bracelet

    I want these so badly.

    Please email me at

  3. Hello,

    I am looking to buy the Silver Swan bracelet and the Wing It earrings. Please email me at along with the asking price. Thank you.

  4. I'm looking to trade/sell:
    Heart of Clove Bracelet (BNIB - Brand new in box)
    Lady Luck Rings size 7 (BNIB)

    I'm looking to buy/trade for:
    Astoria Necklace
    Lunar Blue Necklace
    Setting Sun Necklace
    Daphne Pendant Necklace
    Aqua Bomb Ring size 7
    Mumbai Bracelet
    Golden Goose Bracelet

    Email me at

  5. I am looking to buy the original Cleopatr earrings
    email me at (and yes thats my real email lol)
