Saturday, July 16, 2011

JewelMint's Mystic Secrets Necklace - Photographs


JewelMint's Mystic Secrets Necklace is so pretty in person! It's piercing sapphire blue tones against the bright gold hardwear makes it one of those pieces that is sure to catch anyone's eye. It's unusual though for sure - an eclectic piece.

I'm throwing together some potential outfits for the necklace just to see what I come up with. In the meantime, if you're unsure about the pieces that dangle down being too much, you can try this:

You can always remove the extra chains that hold the three individual charms and maybe use those for a charm bracelet or use them on another necklace or to even create a pair of earrings. I'm thinking the sapphire gold pendant hanging down from the necklace would look gorgeous as a standalone pendant!

If I give it a try, I'll post some photos! :)

xoxo, Lily

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your review! Fell in love with this necklace at first sight but I haven't bought from the site before and wasn't sure. Now I'm buying it!
