Tonight I wanted to try something a little different, we'll see how it turns out :-) I'll be posting my Krishna Diamond earrings review later tonight, but first I wanted to have a little impromptu Jewelmint chat from 7pm-9pm (PST). You can even log-in with Facebook or as a guest if you don't have a chatroll account!. Let's please keep things positive and nice. Insults and fowl language will not be tolerated and you will be blocked.
I will be on here to chat with everyone and I may walk away from time to time, but I will be here :-) Feel free to ask me any questions and to chat with other Jewlemint Junkies! The chat will close at 9pm (PDT). So let's talk Jewelmint.....
xoxo, Lily
I will be on here to chat with everyone and I may walk away from time to time, but I will be here :-) Feel free to ask me any questions and to chat with other Jewlemint Junkies! The chat will close at 9pm (PDT). So let's talk Jewelmint.....
xoxo, Lily
Here is a video showing actual Jewelmint pieces. I hope this helps.