Thursday, March 1, 2012

Kate Bosworth Talks JewelMint & Future Releases with Nylon Magazine

Photo: JewelMint

JEWELMINT X KATE BOSWORTH by Liza Darwin for Nylon Magazine
Published: March 1, 2012
The actress answers our pop quiz!

Last month Jewelmint showed us la belle vie in Paris. This time around? Kate Bosworth cruises around the city on a motorcycle in the latest fashion movie for the jewelry brand. We quizzed Kate on Jewelmint's new collection, embarrassing trends, and her favorite music below.

What's your favorite piece of jewelry right now?
I'm excited about the Dream Weaver earrings for spring (available March) and I'm also really looking forward to the launch of our metal Envelope clutch (available April). You can spot a sneak peek of it in "Mistaken for Strangers."

Is there any fashion trend that you participated in when you were younger that you're embarrassed about now?
Come on, I was in high school in the late 90's. Yes.

JewelMint has already gone to Morocco for the video. Where's your next dream place to film?

The Maldives would be pretty great! You said dream, right?

The last movie you saw was.....
Once Upon A Time in America directed by Sergio Leone

The top 3 songs on your iPod right now are....
The Other Lives, "Tamer Animals;" The Everly Brothers, "All I Have to Do is Dream;" The Cure, "Just Like Heaven"

The most-worn item in your closet is....
Chloe studded ankle boots make a regular appearance.

Click here to find this article in its entirety on
Here's another related Nylon article recently featuring Kate Bosworth as their March cover girl:

Photo: Nylon

Published: February 22, 2011
Nylon Magazine: Playing it cool with America's sweetheart.

Even by celebrity standards, Kate Bosworth is an overachiever. An accomplished actress and athlete, the Connecticut native won her first role, as ScarJo's doomed adolescent best friend in "The Horse Whisperer," by bringing a Polaroid of herself to an extras casting session. Now nearly 30, Bosworth has a new side project: a jewelry line with her stylist, Cher Coulter. Here's what she said during our cover shoot in LA:

On her new jewelry collection, JewelMint:
"I wanted to make everything $30. There's nothing in that price range, really. You can go to, like, Claire's and get something for $5, and the next level up is over $100.  This is a middle range of really cute, really fun accessories.  All my friends love a bargain, whether or not they can also shop at expensive stores... Sienna Miller's one of my best friends and we always go bargain hunting!"

On her new co-star:
 "I'm obsessed with Ezra Miller. He's such a fantastic actor and I'm really honored, honestly, that we got to work together. He's gonna be a big deal."

On fate:
"I don't think I could be anything but an actress but if I were, I'd be a psychiatrist. I think people are so interesting and I think their issues are so much a part of what make people who they are. I know I have my issues, for sure!"

Click here to find this article in its entirety on

Yep, you heard that right! JewelMint's Dream Weaver Earrings will be a March 'mid-month' release and we can expect to see Kate's Gold Metal Envelope Clutch sometime in April!

Watch Kate in JewelMint's March 2012 short film titled "Mistaken for Strangers":

xoxo, Lily
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